Citrus County Web Design Crystal River Florida. Website Development Promotion and Marketing.

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the method of increasing the volume of traffic to a web site from various search engines by way of the search engines results. Commonly referred to as SERPS for Search Engine Results Pages.
It isn't just throwing some meta tags in the websites code and sitting back to wait for the search engines to re-index the thing. To increase the rank and relevancy of a website you must consider how search engines work and what people are searching for. These efforts include a web site's coding, visual presentation, navigation structure, implementing tag attributes and much more. One of the most important aspects of a websites performance is to create unique content and make your site a resource for others. Make the website a site worthy of a bookmark. Not a Spam Report.

For the most part SEO is just a matter of playing by the rules, both the search engines rules and the ethical ones... with a pinch of common sense along the way. A safe, effective train of thought is this… if it sounds or looks like what you’re doing is wrong, then stop. Search Engines do not work for anyone, treat one badly and you'll soon see how they wont for you either.

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